Events 2025

Australian Events

Australian Pairs Championships
April 16th and 17th
Wentworth NSW

Australian Team Championships
April 19th and 20th
Wentworth NSW

Australian Individuals Championships
November 8th and 9th

Why Join?

Mounted games are a great way to develop your athletic ability, good riding skills, hand-to-eye coordination, and a competitive spirit with an ability to work together with other riders and to be willing to help one another.

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Partnership With

Australian MGA

Welcome to the AMGA Website

Here you can learn all about the Australian Mounted Games Association which is made up of the parent body (AMGA) and the five current branches- New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

You will be able to find out about Mounted Games (Its history, games and rules), coming events, results and most importantly how to join us.

Keep us up to date! Please feel free to send in your favourite Mounted Games photos, or links if you have videos hosted on Youtube. We will then get them uploaded to the website. Send any media to AMGA Secretary -

Find your nearest AMGA branch